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It's All About Love
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FoodAid Southern Highlands: Our Story

What began in October 2020 as a simple act of kindness from a local medical professionals carport has blossomed into something extraordinary. Today, FoodAid serves the entire Southern Highlands community with a dedicated network of over 50 volunteers.

Our Volunteer Community

FoodAid operates entirely through volunteer power - we have no paid staff. Our local volunteer drivers collect donations from major retailers like Woolworths, Coles, Harris Farms, Bakers Delite throughout the Southern Highlands, while our intercity team travels to retrieve van loads of provisions from FoodBank and SecondBite. From sorting rescued food to packing and distributing hampers, our volunteers are the backbone of everything we do.

How We Operate

Currently, we distribute food from Connect Church in Spring Street, Moss Vale. While we're grateful for their space, we operate as an independent organization. We maintain a separate sorting facility where all rescued food is processed before being transferred to the hall for distribution.

Who We Serve

Many of our recipients are referred by local service agencies such as Anglicare and St Vincent De Paul. Individuals can also register themselves, family members, or friends in need. Each case is assessed to ensure we're helping those who genuinely require assistance.

Join Our Mission

Since our inception, FoodAid has grown consistently to meet increasing community needs. We welcome support in many forms - whether through volunteering your time, donating groceries, or providing financial assistance. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of our neighbors.

"Our mission is to ease the struggle of putting food on the

table and to bring joy and satisfaction to those we serve."

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